How To Find The Right Dog Breed

(Last Updated On: 26/03/2023)

Last Updated on 1 year by Jenny Sovann

If you are trying to find the right dog breed among the hundreds of breeds available, then it can be a little overwhelming. After all, there are so many different options to choose from. Do you go for the cute and cuddly ones or the menacing, don’t mess around with me,” type dogs? It is like looking for a needle in a haystack, right? For us, this is what makes them unique and loveable creatures. Having to choose doesn’t need to be hard if you choose to walk this tumultuous journey with us. Before we embark on this journey it is important to know that all dogs can be quite a handful, and your choice shouldn’t solely depend on what you see. After all, do not judge a book by its cover.

Lifestyle Match

Having a dog means having a lifelong responsibility to attend to its needs. You need to ensure that the dog breed of your choice suits how you live your life. For instance, different dog breeds have varied exercise requirements. If you are an adrenaline-filled junkie, it would be wise to get a breed that is filled with energy like you. Huskies and Border Collies are great examples of such breeds. They can keep up with you on your long runs and hikes.

Imagine having a Chihuahua for an outdoor jogging session. The idea in itself just sounds impossible. If you are a laid-back kind of person, you probably want a breed that won’t make you change your style. A dog content with relaxing would be your go-to friend. These are dogs that just need a walk, and they are fine.

There is more to consider about your lifestyle before getting a certain breed of dog. Your time commitment, for instance, would be a major factor. If you are a busy person it wouldn’t be wise to get a dog that needs more attention than other dogs. Your schedules could collide making your life a little bit unbearable or even uncomfortable.

Space And Size

Our furry friends come in different sizes. It is important to ensure they are comfortable around us. How much space are you willing to offer your friend? If you live in a small home, choosing smaller breeds would be best for you. These dogs would not need a lot of space to move around freely, and hence both of you will be comfortable. A pug or a chihuahua would be good choices for such a person with insufficient space.

On the other hand, if you have enough space, you can get larger breeds. A home with a lot of indoor space would make life comfortable for the dog and the owner. A German Shepherd, Great Dane, or Newfoundland are great examples. These dogs need more room to release their pent-up energy and having them live in such a space would make sure they burn their calories without bothering you much.  

If you have an outdoor living area with great space, getting a dog comfortable with such a lifestyle would be best for you. Huskies and Border Collies have thick coats that make them stay outdoors comfortably.

Temperament Fit

Getting a dog is unlike getting a programmed toy that will always follow your commands. Dogs have their own personality and traits and hence it is important to research and find the right fit for both you and your environment.

Different breeds have different temperaments, hence the need to choose a breed that will match your lifestyle. Pit bull terriers are known to turn on their owners if not trained properly and are even banned in some places. If you have children or other pets, consider a breed that is known to be gentle and friendly. Breeds such as Labradors and Golden Retrievers are known to be super friendly and won’t keep you on your toes.

Some dogs are known to have a good temperament while also being the best dogs for protection. German shepherds and Boxers are great examples of such. These dogs are loyal and have a protective nature which can be of benefit to you.

Sometimes you just don’t want to be bothered and want a dog that behaves like you. Shiba Inus and Basenjis are known to be less needy and more independent. They are considered aloof and can be left alone for hours.

Grooming And Health

This is yet another great factor to consider when you want to find the right dog breed. To keep our furry friends healthy it is important that we practice regular grooming. This would help get rid of parasites that stick to your dog’s coat. Practices such as brushing our furry companions’ coats daily and inspecting them for parasites will help prevent them from getting serious ailments or being uncomfortable.

Different breeds need different grooming needs. Choosing a breed that you would be willing to sacrifice different amounts of time to groom is important to consider. Breeds with shorter hair would require less brushing than breeds with larger coats. A boxer would be easier to groom compared to a poodle.

Similarly to grooming needs, different breeds require different health needs. It is better to consult your veterinarian on the requirements of your particular breed. There are breeds that are prone to certain health conditions, such as respiratory problems. You need to ensure that you are aware of the breed’s health status, it’s best to ask your veterinarian about this.

Purpose And Cost

Lastly, but equally important, purpose and cost is crucial when you are trying to find the right dog breed. Why do you want the dog? Different breeds have different purposes in life. To be more precise, breeds are bred for various reasons, and it is important to know why a particular dog is bred before you consider getting it. Some of the reasons dogs are bred are for hunting, herding, guarding, or companionship.

Dogs bred for protection are like the Rottweiler and Great Danes. These dogs are good at protecting people, and hence if your reason is protection, it would be ironic to get a Chihuahua. They are trained on how to protect someone and hence over time have gotten better at it.

On the other hand, poodles and chihuahuas are there to just be our companions. These dogs are known to be affectionate, making them great friends to have at home. All they do in return is love us and bark at us. Selective breeding has resulted in dogs with various characteristics and diversity. Each breed has a unique set of traits and hence choosing one will be dependent on your set of preferences and needs.

When choosing our furry friends, it’s good to be prepared for the cost that accompanies them. Larger breeds require more food and hence more cost incurred. The bills associated with the dog will also be higher as compared with smaller ones. It is important to consider things like pet insurance, which can help reduce medical expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What dog has the strongest bite?

The Kangal. It is the dog breed that is known to have the strongest bite force of 743 psi. Any dog can cause injuries through biting, regardless of the breed, they all have incredibly strong jaws. Handle dogs with care to prevent any accidents.

Can dogs eat bread?

Yes, they do. And surprisingly, if they are fed excess bread. it can lead to weight gain which can in turn cause health-related problems for the dog. It is important that you give them this high carbohydrate feed in moderation as it is not a necessary part of their diet.

How can you tell if a dog is smart?

Dogs show intelligence in various ways. A dog that is quick at learning and adapting, has a good memory, and shows problem-solving ability can be considered a smart dog. This can all be determined by trying to train the dog.

What is the smartest dog to train?

This is dependent on the individual dog’s personality. Breeds such as German Shepherds, Border Collies, and poodles are known for their intelligence and hence make smart choices for training.

What dog has the longest lifespan?

Australian Cattle Dogs are known to have the longest lifespan. These dogs can live, on average, 12 to 16 years. An Australian cattle dog named “Bluey” broke the Guinness Book of World Records for living for 29 years and 5 months.

Is there an app to identify a dog breed?

Yes, several apps are available to help with identifying dog breeds. By simply taking a picture it is easy to identify a certain dog breed. Some of these apps include: “Fetch” by Microsoft, “PictureThis” by Glority LLC, and Breedify. You can even use Google image reverse search.

What dog breeds can be left alone?

Dogs are different, being left alone is a matter of their individual personalities. It is important to train dogs to be comfortable being left alone. However, some dog breeds that are known to be left for a more extended period of time include Shiba Inus, Chihuahuas, and French Bulldogs.


Dogs are amazing animals that come in various breeds. It is worth the effort to research and get the perfect fit for you and your family. It is important to consider the things we have covered when selecting your next friend. If you are so intrigued by the dog family,  you can even get a hyena or a fox but don’t say we told you so. It is a very bad idea. Overall, you should consider your lifestyle and if you are capable of handling your new furry friend’s needs. Taking this into account, you will eventually find the right dog breed that suits your needs and your lifestyle.


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