IAMS Vs Pedigree Dog Food – Differences & Similarities

(Last Updated On: 11/07/2023)

Last Updated on 1 year by Robert Smith

Owning a dog is one of the most wholesome duties we can ever have. It is important that we ensure that these furry companions grow up healthily. One way to go about it is by ensuring that they always eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Getting a well crafted formula like IAMS or Pedigree dog food will ensure that your dog is acquiring the necessary set of nutrients that they require. This is what makes IAMS and Pedigree-worthy opponents to go toe to toe in a battle for supremacy. That said, this comprehensive IAMS vs PEdigree dog food article will help you know which one to go for.

While getting both can be an option, sometimes it is important to understand the differences and similarities in order to pick up your favorite. Choosing a dog is generally a process that will involve you analyzing the overall nutritious value of a particular brand. In this guide, we will put these amazing opponents toe to toe, and come up with a worthy pick that you can surprise your canine companion with.

Overview Of IAMS

IAMS is a brand your veterinarian will likely recommend to you at one point or another. It is a dry dog food that utilizes chicken as its core protein ingredient. The best part about these chickens is that they are farm-raised making them high-quality ingredients.. This means you can be sure your furry companion is getting the best of naturally breaded chicken.

Chicken is not the only ingredient that is packed into this amazing delicacy. You will be overjoyed to learn your furry companion will also be acquiring a bend of fibers, prebiotics and other essential nutrients. With a rise of additives and preservatives in dog foods, you can be rest assured that such ingredients are completely not included into this wholesome pack.

Overview Of Pedigree

It is no secret that dogs love their meat. It is an ancient old norm that has transcended the wolf family, which dogs came from. Pedigree respects this, and hence ensures that your furry companion will be getting real, grilled steak. To supplement this, there is also the vegetable flavor well designed to grab your canine companions’ taste buds.

Apart from the steak and vegetables, you will also be pleased to learn that your furry companion will be getting vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This ensures that they can grow healthily and also be able to defend themselves against diseases. While most dog foods assume the importance of making the meal easily chewable, Pedigree does not. You can be sure that your canine companion will munch this delicacy with ease.

Iams Vs Pedigree – Head To Head Comparison

Both IAMS and Pedigree are intriguing delicacies worthy of your 4-pawed companions’ taste buds. The secret recipes that go into concocting the brilliance behind each of them are probably patented, and with great reason to do so. If you are seeking dog food made of premium quality ingredients, then you should consider IAMS, and if you want to add on some modern artificial ingredients then Pedigree is the way.

The ultimate decision on which is best will come from your canine companions’ personal preferences. It is important to note that even after getting the meals, some dogs are likely to not love the taste of one or even all of them. However, both IAMS and Pedigree are available in most pet stores and are well respected by dog lovers everywhere.

Protein Content

Proteins happen to be a major requirement in the growth and development of our furry companion. After acquiring this, they can support their muscle growth, repair tissues and maintain most of their body functions. It goes without saying that a substantial amount of protein is then needed in our canine companions’ diet.

IAMS and Pedigree both choose a different approach to how they deliver this necessity into our furry companions diet. With IAMS, your canine friend will get this necessity through the chicken that is provided. Pedigree on the other hand will provide this necessity through the meat, bone meal and chicken by-product that is specially crafted into the formula.

Carbohydrate Content

To see your four-pawed companion wagging his/her tail, and being playful means that they need a substantial amount of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates serve as the primary source of energy to our dogs. A lack of carbohydrates will probably leave your furry friend being overall lazy and weak. To conquer this, IAMS and Pedigree both approach the situation in unique ways.

With IAMS, this amazing nutrient will be extracted from the Whole Grain Corn, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum and the Dried Plain Beet Pulp. Pedigree chooses to get this from the Ground Whole Grain corn, Soybean Meal, Corn Gluten meal, Dried plain beet pulp among others. These specially chosen ingredients will ensure that your canine companion is as playful as ever.

Fiber Content

Fiber plays an important role when it comes to digestion. It is important to note that this may be presented in the form of soluble or insoluble fiber. Products will opt to include both or one among the two, which can help with cholesterol or digestion. When it comes to Pedigree and IAMS, they both don’t take for granted the importance of fiber to the growth and development of your furry companion.

Other Nutrients

There are many nutritional content that dogs require that cannot all be put down with enough precision. However, there are some notable mentions that should never be taken for granted, since they also play a major role in the growth and development of dogs. IAMS and Pedigree both take this into account, and ensure there is a ton of nutritious ingredients for your dog.

To fight off and fend against diseases, dogs will require vitamins and minerals in their formula. Pedigree and IAMS take this into account by providing Vitamin E supplements, Ascorbic Acid among many others. There are many and differences from IAMS to Pedigree, which just shows how unique each of these meals are individually.

IAMS Vs Pedigree Dog Food – The Similarities

No matter how different each of these meals are, they both share some similarities with each other. In a way, we can think of these as the peace treaty between these two amazing opponents at war. Without a doubt, what they share in common is probably what they both think and know will be the best for your dog.

In general, we can say that they both thrive to give your furry companion the common essential nutrients. In detail, we can see that both IAMS and pedigree share ground whole-grain corn as a source of carbohydrate. There is also the use of Dried plain beet pulp, chicken by-product, potassium chloride among other minerals. It is important despite the similarity in ingredients, the execution or how the portions are made will generally be different.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between IAMS and Pedigree?

IAMS and Pedigree offer essential nutrients through different ingredients. For instance, while Pedigree opts to use meaty products, IAMS main source of proteins is acquired from the chicken that is specially crafted into the formula.

Are Pedigree and IAMS the same company?

Yes, IAMS and Pedigree all fall under Mars Pet Care. Despite them being under the same company, the dog foods offered by the two brands are relatively different. There are also 39 other brands under the Pedigrees portfolio.

Why do vets recommend IAMS?

IAMS is recommended by most veterinarians since it is crafted with premium ingredients. Most of the ingredients used by IAMS are farm-raised, hence being naturally high-quality. This is what separates IAMS from most brands.

Is IAMS dog food OK for dogs?

Yes, IAMS is an OK food for most dogs. For one it contains all essential nutrients that your dog requires for proper growth and development. It also contains supplementary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that ensure your dog will always grow up healthy.

Why is IAMS dog food so expensive?

Being made from premium ingredients makes IAMS generally expensive. You can be sure that your dog is going to much on specially crafted formula made from high-quality ingredients. Getting the necessary material is what makes this brand more expensive.

IAMS Vs Pedigree – Which Is The Best?

Seeing just how each of these brands put effort in their products just shows how hard it is to select a winner. However, in any competition, there will always emerge a winner. In this case, IAMS takes the spot for the most exciting product you should choose for your furry companion. There are a number of reasons it deserves this crown despite Pedigree putting up a good fight.

When it comes to brand reputation, IAMS knocks out Pedigree with little effort. IAMS is a reputable and respectable brand when compared to pedigree. IAMS also opts to use higher-quality ingredients that are generally healthy for our canine companions. However, despite our choice, it is important to note that dogs generally have individual preferences.


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