Taste Of The Wild Vs Orijen Dog Food Comparison

(Last Updated On: 06/08/2023)

Last Updated on 6 months by Robert Smith

In the enormous world of dog food, you will run into many different great brands offering quality food. Without a doubt, you will find Taste of the wild and Orijen being among the most praised brands that offer delicacies to people’s dogs. It may not be very practical to get both of them, so instead making a pick among the two masters of their work would be appropriate. Knowing the crafts behind these two great masterpieces will help you in deciding which one would be the best pick for your furry companion. So, lets delve deep into our Taste Of The Wild Vs Orijen dog food comparison.

As a responsible dog owner, you have to ensure that you pick the best one. This means you will have to compare “Taste Of the Wild” and “Origin” in order to know which one would be best for your dog. It is important to remember that since dogs have personal tastes, your pick would have to be audited by your canine companions’ taste buds. In this guide we will look at these two intriguing dog foods, measuring the nutritional value each offers and hence give recommendations.

Overview Of Taste Of The Wild

One thing all dogs love is meat in their diet. Taste of the wild takes this into account by ensuring that your furry companion will have high protein with the real meat which makes its first ingredient. You will be pleased to know that it contains up to 32% protein that is very beneficial to your canine companion’s bones, joints, and lean and strong muscles.

It would not be a great delicacy if it did not include other ingredients, which it does. Your furry companion will also enjoy fruits and other superfoods that provide vitamins and minerals. A shiny coat on a dog is always appealing, and you can be sure that the omega fatty acids will handle that. Overall, it is a healthy product that will ensure your dog is always jumpy.

Overview Of Orijen

When it comes to Orijen, you will be pleased to learn that it is a grain free product. On top of that, it is made with 85% high quality animal ingredients. This encompasses meat, organs, cartilage and bone that will ensure your furry companion is drowned in nutrients. These ingredients are sourced from trusted suppliers, so you don’t have to worry about your furry companion munching on waste.

What sets Orijen apart from other dog foods is that it is a popular pick for most dog owners. In fact, it provides high protein to dogs of all ages. This means you will not have to worry about getting tailored diets for your 4-pawed friend. Made with fresh and raw ingredients, you can be sure that your canine companion will enjoy downing this delicacy.

Taste Of The Wild Vs Orijen – Head To Head Comparison

Taste of the wild and Orijen are both amazing picks for your furry companion, however, they each have unique qualities that sets them apart from each other. On one hand, Orijen is a higher protein, lower carbohydrate food than Taste of the wild. Such information comes in handy when trying to choose the most appropriate food for your canine companion.

With intriguing approaches to how they offer and ration ingredients, these two great brands are worthy of each other. They both opt for both different and similar approaches to giving your furry companion nutrients. There are also many other ingredients that Taste of the wild and Orijen share but in different portions when compared to each other.

Protein Content

Protein is probably the most important nutrient that dogs require. It serves as the building block for our dogs’ body, hence very important for growth. With proteins, you can be sure your canine companion is capable of repairing and maintaining their own tissues. Furthermore, proteins are involved in the production of enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

Both Orijen and Taste of the wild approach providing protein to our furry companions differently. Orijen provides protein from chicken, turkey, salmon, whole herring, chicken liver, dehydrated chicken, turkey and several other eggs. Taste of the wild on the other hand gives its proteins from water buffalo, Lamb meal, chicken meal, roasted bison, beef among several other ingredients.

Carbohydrate Content

Carbohydrates serve as the primary source of energy to the body. For your dog to be active in physical activity, brain functionality and several metabolic processes then carbohydrates are important. A lack of carbohydrates in the body of your furry companion will only result in them being overall weak and lazy throughout their days.

Taste of the Wild and Orijin both know how important it is for your furry companion to be active, hence they both provide carbohydrates in different ways. Orijen opts for whole red lentils, whole pinto beans, whole navy beans, whole green lentils among several others. Taste of the wild on the other hand chooses sweet potatoes, peas, pea flour and tomato pomace.

Fiber Content

Fiber in a way can be described as carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. There are two types, soluble and insoluble both which have significant health benefits to the body. If the fiber your dog consumes is soluble, then it will aid with cholesterol levels and if it is insoluble then it will take care of promoting good and regular bowel movement.

To ensure that your canine companion is getting the fiber that they deserve both Origen and Taste of the Wild approach this differently. Orijen will provide it from whole red lentils, pinto beans, navy beans, green lentils, chickpeas among others. Taste of the wild on the hand will provide this through sweet potatoes, peas, pea flour, tomato pomace, dried chicory root among others.

Other Nutrients

Apart from proteins, carbohydrates and fiber dogs also require several other nutrients to lead healthy lives. This can be the fats or vitamins and minerals which support several other bodily functions. If there is a lack of this, then you should know that despite providing the best for your dog, they will still probably be susceptible to illnesses and other problems.

When it comes to fat, both Orijen and Taste of the wild opt to get their fat from chicken fat. This will serve your dog by providing energy, insulation and other functions. With vitamins and minerals, both Orijen and Taste of the wild will acquire them from Vitamin E, zinc proteinate, potassium iodide among many other unpronounceable but beneficial ingredients.

Taste Of The Wild Vs Orijen Similarities

As much as the two products are relatively different from each other, they share some characteristics that can be considered similar. For one, they both want to provide the same nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber and other essential nutrients. This means that getting either will mean that your furry companion is acquiring the bare minimum that they require.

While that is a broad way to look at it, we can also scope in and see similar details in both of the products. For instance, they both use chicken fat as the main source of fat. You will find that dried chicory root, zinc proteinate, mixed tocopherols and vitamin B12 are in both foods. However, it is important to note that despite the similarity in ingredients the potions and ratios of the ingredients will be different.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Orijen too rich for some dogs?

Orijen is a well crafted balanced diet for dogs. If by too rich you are implying on the protein or fat content, then you don’t have to worry as it has been specially made to meet your dogs essential requirements.

Why is Orijen food so expensive?

Orijen is made with 85% animal protein, and also contains a long list of ingredients. These ingredients are brought in to ensure that your dog is getting the best of nutrients. This is probably the reason Orijen seems rather expensive.

What is the best dog food ACANA or Orijen?

While both dog food brands opt to provide all the essential nutrients your dog will need, Orijen goes above and beyond to ensure your dog is getting quality ingredients. This is what sets Orijen apart making it the best dog food.

Are ACANA and Orijen the same?

While both brands essentially use the same ingredients, they both put this in different ratios. Orijen for instance contains higher meat content and has a diverse ingredient list when compared to ACANA.

Is Orijen owned by Nestle?

No, Orijen is a high-quality brand of dog food and cat food manufacturer based in Alberta, Canada and Kentucky. Champion Petfoods runs Orijen and hence there is no Nestle involvement in the ownership of Orijen.

Taste Of The Wild Vs Orijen – Which Is The Best?

Ultimately, there has to be one winner in a competition between two parties. As much as they both deserve this spot, Orijen has proven without a doubt that it is the superior product. This all comes down to a number of reasons that just shone the spotlight more on Orijen. First of all, Orijen provides a much longer list of ingredients that contain different nutrients for your canine companion.

While being many might not be reason enough for a win, Orijen ensures that each of the ingredients is specially crafted into the recipe. The final decision will obviously be your furry companions’ taste buds, but getting them Orijen will for sure have an impact in their life. Taste of the wild is also very impressive and can be an alternative option if your furry companion is not impressed by Orijen.


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