7 Reasons Why Hamsters Make Great Pets

(Last Updated On: 06/08/2023)

Last Updated on 1 year by Robert Smith

Ever asked yourself why hamsters make great pets? Hamsters are amazing creatures that gained popularity as pets during the 1930s. Before that, they were greatly used by the scientific community to come up with medication that changed the world. For their adorable nature of storing food in their mouth poaches, they gained their name hamster. Hamster means to hoard, and they sure love filling up their cheeks with nuts. They can be found all around the world apart from Antarctica.

With such an intriguing history, you might be curious why these amazing creatures make great pets. One reason people get this creature is because they are pleasing to look at. If being adorable is not reason enough, then you will be pleased to know that there are many reasons why hamsters make the best pests. Let’s dive into 7 reasons why hamsters make great pets.

Why Hamsters Make Great Pets

We have all seen these gorgeous creatures as pets, and there is just nothing that compares to the experience of having them around. Here are reasons why hamsters make great pets and why you should consider getting one.

7. Affordable

The first thing people do before getting a pet is digging into their pockets in order to get their forever friend. While the price of hamsters may vary depending on a number of factors such as breed age, and availability, you will be pleased to know that it will be affordable. Compared to dogs, cats, and other popular home pets, you won’t have to save up for a long time in order to finally unite with your forever companion.

What makes hamsters relatively affordable is that they do not require a lot of resources to breed. This makes their overall cost at pet stores relatively affordable. They can also be adopted from shelters at no cost at all, meaning you can get one entirely for free. Going to get one of these adorable creatures, you can opt to get a variation of the species based on your pocket and the price. Overall, hamsters can easily be gotten without burning through your income.

6. Low Maintenance

As if being affordable was not enough, hamsters also happen to be very low maintenance. For instance, their food is readily available and cheap. In fact, you can even opt to plant some small vegetables and fruits for them. If not, you can just buy the vegetables and fruits when you take your leisure stroll to the market, store or nearest shop down the street.. This means, feeding them won’t really be tough like getting expensive dog food or cat food.

Their beddings are also relatively inexpensive. You can opt to build them a cage yourself or get a good hamster cage from the store. They spend most of their time in their cages with their training wheels and won’t need special trainers around when you are away. You can bet that the veterinary cost and regular check-ups won’t even cost a thing. If you are financially incapable of taking care of dogs and cats, you can be sure that hamsters won’t have the same impact on you.

5. Easy To Care For

Many pets happen to become quite a challenge when you bring them home. When it comes to these adorable furry creatures, you won’t need to walk them or craft special training schedules for them. Hamsters are content creatures that will love the small world within their cages. This makes it a convenient pet for people who always tend to have busy schedules. Being self-groomers means you won’t have to worry about giving them baths.

Hamsters also don’t eat a lot, meaning you won’t have to worry about them going hungry from finishing their food. While popular pets like dogs and cats require attention, hamsters will be content with your presence. One of the best parts is they don’t make a lot of noise, meaning you won’t have to fight with your neighbors about your pet. This makes them relatively easy to care for, hence the most convenient pet to have around.

4. Educational Value

When you have a home with kids around, things will often turn out to be chaotic. Hamsters can have an educational impact on them as well as you. For one, hamsters will teach you and your kid’s responsibility. This means you and your kids will have to feed them, water them, clean them, and even handle them with care. Your children will grow up knowing how to be responsible, and learning how to care for other animals and people as well.

Being social creatures, your children will also learn to empathize with the creature. This will make them compassionate and also care for other living things. It is important that we don’t forget your children will also gain some scientific knowledge, by learning the different parts of hamsters or what hamsters eat. This furry friend will also be very curious, which can spark some observation skills in your kids. The interaction shall also have an impact on the communication skills of your young one. The best pet to get to add some educational value to your children then has just to be the hamster.

3. Affectionate

It is widely known that most pets happen to be independent creatures, like cats. When interacting with such animals, you feel like you are interacting with distant friends or relatives. Hamsters on the other hand will enjoy you holding them and stroking their soft fur. This is a wholesome bonding experience that will leave you fulfilled. In fact,  the hamster will squeak, chirp or make any other noises as if to communicate with you.

This is one of the many ways these adorable creatures will show you their affection for you. If you were wondering whether they can willingly climb onto your hands, yes they do. They will also tend to climb up and relax on your lap on their own. This just shows how much they enjoy your company. Allowing you to gently stroke their fur without them attempting to make a run for it. If you don’t have an animal that will love you, then a hamster is your best bet.

2. Small Size

7 Reasons Why Hamsters Make Great Pets

Hamsters are generally small in size, which makes it easy to care for them. Being small means you can easily handle them. For example, their bodies can fit comfortably in your hands. This makes them relatively portable to move around. If you were planning to travel, small cages are probably all you will need to carry your furry buddy around.

Most of the time, big pets are not convenient to have around old people or small children. Hamsters on the other hand are small and can be held by people of all ages. Their small size also makes them very easy to clean, and have them live in small spaces. The great thing is that they won’t need a lot of room to exercise their adorable bodies.

1. Non-Disruptive

There are only a few pets that don’t have the ability to disrupt your house. You could get a fish, but the chances of you holding them in your hands for hours is probably zero. Hamsters are also quiet and calm creatures meaning you won’t have to clean up after them. They are also nocturnal meaning they will be active at night minimizing the amount of disturbance.

Unlike cats or dogs, hamsters require a little space and won’t move around destroying your stuff. This peaceful nature is advantageous since you won’t have to tweak your lifestyle in order to watch after them. After all, when we are getting pets we want all the love and affection, and not the daily repair of our expensive sofas that get destroyed regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do hamsters make the best pets?

Hamsters make the best pets since they are very affectionate and low maintenance. You won’t have to burn through your wallet in order to take care of these adorable animals. They are also relatively affordable making it easy to get them.

What are 10 facts about hamsters?

Hamsters are rodents. They have large cheek pouches and happen to be crepuscular. They are excellent climbers that have a high reproduction rate. Hamsters are also omnivores that have poor eyesight. Their incisors grow throughout their life. They undergo torpor and have specialized scent glands.

What are 3 fun facts about hamsters?

Hamsters make the greatest escape artists. They are known to make cages that people would think impossible. Hamsters also have the ability to stuff their cheeks with so much food, double their head size. This food can be hidden in a burrow that is up to half the body weight of a hamster.

What makes hamsters unique?

What makes hamsters unique is their incredible cheek pouches. They can store a lot of food here in order to transport them later into their burrows. Hamsters are also known to be solitary creatures that prefer to stay alone.

How intelligent are hamsters?

Hamsters can solve puzzles if you give them and can hence be considered to have some intelligence. While they may not be the smartest animal, they are adapted to thrive in different environments making them very clever animals.


There are many reasons why people opt to get pets. One of the key reasons is to have an affectionate and loving animal. While most animals are capable of these, there are only a few that come with the advantages that hamsters have on our lives. Hamsters are adorable fluff balls that just leave us mesmerized with their unique antics.

Overall, hamsters are low maintenance. Buying them and taking care of them is not the challenge you will have. Also, they just happen to be the most affectionate creature you will have around. It is important that you do not forget they are non-disruptive, small, easy to care for, and will have great educational value for you and your children.


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